
Going into the Christmas season for 2020 I didn't really know what to expect as far as how business would be that year. A friend of mine who does holiday lighting, told me he thought more people would be wanting to have their houses decorated with lights to bring some cheer to a rather hard year. I agreed with him and it turned out, he was right. Although some customers had been hit harder with the pandemic, and could no longer afford to hire a professional light installer, we both experienced more customers contacting us for Christmas lighting services than the previous year. Same thing happened again in 2021.  

It was a huge blessing, both to be able to brighten up people's holiday's, and also to have work when others we knew were having a hard time!

As far as supply chain issues, it wasn't too bad. I order almost a year ahead of time, for supply's I anticipate needing the following season. So that helped a lot. Any companies who waited late to order lights probably had a harder time. Also, there were a few items that were out of stock or had to be ordered from other places. The prices on these harder to get items, did go up significantly. This was more of an inconvenience than anything and did not really hinder any light installations that we did.

The bottom line on Covid-19's impact on Christmas is this: more people wanting to celebrate Christmas with light displays, and only a few supply chain issues, nothing major.  

As always, thanks for taking the time to check out Icy Lights. And let's remember the real reason for the season!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year



1. Plan

Whether you hire a Christmas lighting company or you decide to decorate your house yourself it helps to plan ahead. Many people begin thinking about doing Christmas lights around Thanksgiving. Believe it or not, by this time most professional Christmas lighting companies have already been installing lights on businesses and homes for over a month. Their schedules are so full that they may not be able to fit in any more jobs.

I am writing this as I reflect on the past 6 Christmas Lighting seasons. The bottom line is, I believe that LED lights are by far better for most applications, though there may be a few instances where incandescent Christmas lights may win out. As a professional Christmas light installer, I definitely without a doubt prefer LED Lights! Read more to find out why.

I wanted to write an article on why I started a Christmas Lighting Company, what has worked for me and what to expect, should you decide to get into the Holiday Lighting Business. Before 2013, which is when I started hanging Christmas lights for customers, I didn't even know there was much of a market for this kind of thing. However, the market for this specialized niche is huge and has grown exponentially in the last 20 years. You can go from simply making some extra income during the winter months, to making a living doing it, if you have enough crews. However, as with any business it is going to take work, or should I say, a lot of work. Which, is not necessarily a bad thing. Just be aware, it's not as easy as some Christmas Lighting Franchises make it sound.